Friday, October 23, 2009

The Soft Playroom is Open

We're done! Almost. Couple finishing touches and then we're done! It opened last weekend--thankfully both kids were well enough by then to visit and then we have the Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting on November 1 at 2pm--I couldn't be more excited.

Loading up the ball pit...

The toddler/infant play area, complete with a mini-ball pit.

The room just prior to first use. Standing near the door.

Eddie and Josie in the ball pit. Eddie didn't hold still the whole time we were in there, so all the photos are blurry. They are all from the i-phone.Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Congradulations on a very long, and difficult service project that the entire community will benefit from your leadership.
Grandma Ohio

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations on this! I know you worked really hard to see this through. Wish we could visit it!