Saturday, October 10, 2009

Layin' Low

We're soldily in the 'sticker' phase. J, more than Ed is really into stickers. Would that she could get them off the pages as well as he I type, I am being plastered with stickers by both kids.

We are trading 100 degree fevers around here (knock on wood, I've just got the breathing issues, no huge fever). Den is never sick and if he is, it's rarely more than 1 day, and yet day 3 of him saying "I can't believe I feel this rough."
Even Den had some of the above 'juice' that Ed and I have been sucking on. I'm not even sure how many vials we've gone through, but Den and I both keep crossing our fingers that nebulizers have long life-spans.Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

L said...

My last nebulizer lasted for ten years. The insurance company will pay for a new one every two to four years. As long as they don't get dropped alot they should last a while. Sorry everyone is sick in your house.