Wednesday, October 07, 2009

The Hyped up Vacation

Just got back last night from a 6 day vacation to Disney World and Cousinfest where Eddie, Josie and 4 cousins got to hang out (3 2-year olds, 2 4 year olds and a 10 year old whom by the end hand the kids wrappd around her finger). I would say it was a great vacation, because it was and we really managed to do some fun stuff, but I developed Bronchitis and had to visit the ER in the middle of the night on Sat. and Eddie has come back with what I think is developing into pneumonia (did I mention I'm a hypochrondriac?). We're both going to the doctor this mornng, so we'll see how it all goes, but last night was a rough night (Den slept on the floor of Ed's room). I know I'm not crazy when I see Den kind of freaking out too. Lots of great photos to upload soon. Crossing fingers no one get sick who vacationed with us...

So my top 10 memories of this trip:
1. Feeling that I can't catch my breath and visiting first Magic Kingdom first aid and the next day giving in and visiting the ER from 12:30am to 5:00AM with g'pa (so Den can stay with the kids).
2. Character meals: kids are too distracted to eat and the food at the buffets was awful anyway--correlation?
3. Character meals: Josie initially crying when the characters came around, to 6 days later embrassing most of them (starting with Daisy)
4. More character meals: Tyler (aka Loverboy), same age as Josie, so into the characters that he'd give a hug and not want to let go (Eddie was equally transfixed, but would eventually let go)
5. 'I'm not tired, I don't want to nap' and five minutes later Eddie would be out cold in the hotel. Josie on the other hand, 'I'm tired' and practically tries to climb in pack n play.
6. 'can we go on some rides'? Our kids are addicted to the rides. Josie was transfixed by it's a small world. Eddie liked pretty much every ride, but was bored by Peter Pan (one of my favs). He was too short for many of the big kid rides--next year.
7. Meal plan--far more food than I expected...used up snack credits at the last minute with mickey head shpaed rice crispy bars. Don't need to buy separate groceries next time.
8. EXTREMELY impressed with Disney's attention to food allergies. At nearly every meal, the chef came out to talk with us about Josie's (and Tyler's dairy issues), advising us not only on what they could eat, but in most cases, whipping up something special just for them. Notably at the Ohana dinner, a wonderful ice cream cookie banana sundae complete with Chocolate sauce
9. Herding 15 people through a crowded theme park and no one getting lost/separated--miracle.
10. Reliving the memories of growing up with lots of cousins and everyone getting together every couple years in Florida to hang out; loved providing that for our kids/cousins.

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