Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Talk Like a Pirate Day

It was National Talk Like a Pirate Day this past Saturday and our town participated in this National event for the first time. Since Eddie wants to be a pirate for Halloween there was no question that we'd be participating. The kids had a great time. We went on a pirate cruise and went 'trick or treating' to local businesses for trinkets. Den had taught Eddie to say with the Wiggles character accent, "Ahoy there, matey" and it worked like a charm. He even put out an "argh!" frequently throughout the day. It was really cute. If I ever get the videos transferred from the camcorder, I'll upload...

This is on the boat. The kids are enjoying some of the treats they were given by the businesses and were fulled loaded on sugar by the end of the day.
In other news, Eddie has had a really bad cough for about the last 8-10 days (actually technically the cough was at night, all night) so yesterday I finally took him in. It was pretty much his only symptom, but in the last 4 days he started to cough during the day and seem congested. Plus, he was starting to get woken at night by the cough, so you can imagine the good attitude he's had (about as good as his mom and dad who have been up all night the last 8-10 nights).
The doctor doubled his asthma preventative meds (pulmicort)--they were doubled last fall to the current level, asked to continue the current twice daily albuterol we give when he coughs and put him on a 5 day course of prednisone. She didn’t know if it was a cold or allergies, but the cough is really his only symptom, and Den and I both suffer from bad fall allergies, so it’s a good guess since so one else in the house is sick. The doctor said September is the worst month of the year for asthmatics. He should be starting to show signs of improvement this afternoon after nearly 24 hours of the drug. The last time he took prednisone, he was 18 months old and getting diagnosed with the asthma.
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