I can't believe how old Josie looks. She finally has long enough hair to put in pigtails and Cookie does such a nice job. J has such a fun personality (both kids do, but J seems more carefree, which I think comes with not being the first).
And then there is Eddie, taking his first soccer lesson. Such a looooong way from the "Little Olympians" multi-sport classes I signed him up for when he was 3 and he practically refused to let go of my hand. He had a great time on Friday and proclaimed he wants to take another class tomorrow. LOVE that. Notice no shin guards? Nevermind we went to 2 stores, bought 4 pair (cause I wasn't sure how they supposed to fit) and the coach says that at this age and with them basically working skills the whole 6 weeks with the last week aiming to be a game, they didn't really need them. I plan to find out what to get and all that in the interim, but not the push I imagined.
By the end of the class, he was starting to get the idea that he wasn't to kick the ball as far as he could, but rather to give it little kicks. The coach was great--but it's not like I'd know any better. All I know is that I liked his demeanor with the kids, Eddie responded to him and everyone seemed to have a good time. It's a UK-based coaching staff, so we get the UK accent.
And then there is Josie...
Love the pictures. Thanks for putting them up.
Grandma in Ohio
Looks like you're offering them good experiences so they are able to pick and choose in the future.
We do have great grands. Thanx for providing fun enriching lives for them. Love G'mmmmommm J
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