Sunday, August 02, 2009

Double Deckers

Den is headed to Japan today (left the house at 830 for the 930 flight). He took this picture of the double decker plane he'll be on and I showed it to the kids.

Eddie promptly built a double decker plane of his own. This is the 2nd version, the first version fell to the ground before I could get a picture. It had wheels on both levels. Eddie changed that in this version, believing that it didn't need wheels on both levels.

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Anonymous said...

My seat is right nest to where the jetway enters the plane. No wheels needed on top deck as I hope we have no upside down landings. Tx for pix. Den

Anonymous said...

Love your plane, Eddie. id you get the set back from the Old aithful site already? I enjoyed building with the set too. Love G'mom J