Monday, June 01, 2009

Waiting for the g'parents

G'parents Ohio have a knack for arriving right during rush hour. I don't know why they do it to themselves, but you'd think since they come about once/month, they'd get it together...
They called to say they were stuck in traffic and the kids were fooling around. I don't know how Cookie gets Josie's hair like this, she will never let me put it up. I have several more photos to post from the weekend...someday. Eddie was really upset to see g'parents leave today. He wanted to get in the car and drive out to their house. It was really cute. Not sure when we'll next see them between all the various traveling schedules...hopefully sometime in July.

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meg said...

Hey, stop hogging the Ohioans! We only get to see them twice a year if we're lucky.

Eddie looks like he's laying down some wack rhymes there. What that photo needs is Josie throwing a gang sign -- I'll make sure and teach her a couple next time I see her.

elizabethanddennis said...

Well, if you guys didn't live so far away you'd have a better shot at seeing the Ohioans.

soliluna said...

such cute pix!