Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This past weekend...

This is Josie on the day she was diagnosed with walking pneumonia. She had just woken from a nap (in her crib) and had a 103.5 degree temperature. My heart ached to see her like this.

This is Eddie the next day, Saturday. Here he built a ferry out of some unit blocks I'd gotten that morning at a great yard sale. He played with the blocks all day and I just loved the creativity they inspired, from a garage to a ferry to a rectangle laid out along the carpet.
This is also on Saturday, just 24 hours after the first shot, J is running around. She definitely did a lot of laying around, but when she was up, she was up! Here they are playing with a neighbor friend with the hose.

It used to be that I didn't want them to play with the hose and waste all the water. Now I'm happy it keeps them entertained and rationalize that at least we have a spray nozzle on the hose. It kept them going for well over an hour. That and a little 'sink' with a pump we had outside. I'll have to find a pikkie of that sometime...

She has a diaper on...but as she got each article of clothing wet, she insisted on taking it off. Not sure if you can see her tongue, but she is sticking it out!
So yesterday, just before she is to get the final dose of antibiotic for her ear infection and pneumonia, she breaks out in a rash. Cookie said it started around 12:30 and she called me at 2, because it was time for the meds and the rash was getting worse. Does this sound familar? It was only on her head and neck, but we were at the peds within an hour. She is now allergic to all three families of drugs they offer kids her age, so we have an apointment with an allergist in two weeks to determine if she really is allergic, or if (I hope) she happens to be a kid who breaks out in hives when she has a viral infection.
Did I mention Den was out of town for this whole saga? Umpteen calls to Auntie L. who is my medical consult, calls to our insurance company nurse line and finally calls to the after hours line of our pediatrician when Josie didn't respond to the benadryll we gave her 1.5 hours before. I was a mess, but Cookie and Den tried to keep me calm and Josie woke up this morning basically welt-free. I did go up with a flashlight before I went to bed to see if the welts had spread.
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L said...

I'm glad her welts have mostly gone away. Hoping that the hives are due to the viral infection not a true allergy to medication. I'm always glad to listen and give advice.

meg said...

Oof -- that both sucks AND blows. Let's hope it's just the virus talking. (Although Kevin is allergic to at least one family of antibiotics.)

I'm tempted to say that she wouldn't be your daughter if she weren't high maintenance. Oops, did I say that out loud?