We went in to see the pediatrican today. We really like her and plan to switch to her as our regular one is switching to another 'branch' of the same office, plus we wait FOREVER to see him. At any rate, she did a very thorough exam of Josie, from literately touching every part of her body, to looking into the eyes, ears, nose, etc. She made her walk across the room. She felt her head, she asked us (and her) lots of questions. And she answered all of mine.
Then, when I realized we'd forgotten to ask a couple other questions, we waited 15 minutes for her to finish with her next apointment
Summary of the visit:
It will take 1-2 weeks for her to heal. We subsequently found out that the fracture is on the front (forehead area) of her head. We plan to ask the neurologist about this, as she hit the back of her head.
Asked about her head hurting when she rolls: kids this age have a sense of not doing what hurts them, so she likely has learned not to do that right now. Also leaves out somersaults :)
Brain activity/issues: Because she is fine in all the other areas, they don't worry about it.
Eyesight (she was asking where daddy was when he was right across the room and complaining of darkness when we just had on the table lamp). Doctor said unless she is running into doors or having other issues throughout the day, not to worry (these were occuring the last 2 nights).
Stay out of gymnastics class for 2 weeks and we can resume if she has no complaints during this time.
She checked the burise on Josie's cheek and said it was at the 'dip', not on the cheekbone. She felt the whole area quite hard and said it was fine.
I then called the doctor this afternoon because when we went to look at the potential purchase of some play equipment, they had a teeter-toter. I didn't think anything of it until Eddie slammed his end down, giving J the rattle at her end. Happened twice before I realized what was happening (that it was stupid). She said her head hurt a bit and the doctor said to be aware of the signs we discussed (I was worried her head was swelling again) and not to worry if everything seemed fine.
Not easy for me.
In short, Josie is going to be fine (we have to make an apointment with a neurologist for 5 weeks out to get an xray to confirm it's healed). I am not so sure I will be. The doctor asked if she was having any nightmares--none that we know of--doctor said some kids when they experience something like this will go through a post traumatic stress disorder. I explained that I was experiencing it for her. I am trying to get better and know that with each day that passes, I do feel better, but I have burst into tears on more than one ocassion explaining to doctors or friends what has happened. I don't really like to talk about it, but every now and then, I just prattle on to someone about it. She will be okay, somehow I think I will take longer to heal.
What a relief to hear the doctor say that Josie will be okay and that it will take a couple of weeks for her to heal completely! Being a mother means that you forever internalize what ever happens to your children, both good and bad. Its part of the job description, even though there are no complete job descriptions availale and no directions on how to do the job.
Grandma Ohio
G'mom J seconds all Grandma Ohio's comments. All those Mothers Day cute and not so cute quips are true. I would guess our moms felt the same as we were growing up too.Hope that eases the guilty feelings mothers accumulate.
thank you for updating us about Josie's ongoing recovery! And yours, too.
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