Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunday church with G'parents Wisc.

G'Parents Wisc. came out for a Thursday to Tuesday visit this spring, expecting springlike weather. What greated them instead was a slam of late June our-area-style heat. Poor G'ma melts in anything over 75, so 90 was quite oppressive for them. It was a shock for us, having gone from 60 to 80 in about 24 hours and then another 10 degrees the next day. We have 3 days in a row of 90 degree weather--we can go entire months of June and never hit 90, so April was a little odd.

Add to this that g'parents Ohio are due in later this week and they'll have weather in the low 70s, I'd say they got their weekends mixed up.

And, it wouldn't be a g'parent visit if Den and I weren't sick. Den fortuantely recovered quickly, but I languished on (today is the first day I've felt better), waking the whole house with my coughing--no I don't have the "new" flu. So....Den's parents being the go-to-church-every-Sunday crowd went with Den and the kids to church while I stayed home and slept. Thing is, they took the kids to a church that isn't even their own religion, it happens to be mine.

We tend to dress nicely for church (although I've been interested to note lately the Priest wearing CROCS during the service), albeit black ones. I've never been picky with Ed on his shoe selection for church--some days it's penny loafers, other days its crocs.

These first two photos are taken with g'parents camera. Some setting is off because almost none of the 10 pictures they took in the nearly 6 days they were here turned out quite right.

They are sitting on 2 of the 7 chairs we purchased for our new-to-us dining room table. We got two of these Queen Anne style and 5 Duncan Phyfe style (photo to come later). Now we can have people over and not have them sit on $5 white plastic chairs that Den has had longer than I've known him or put their kids on folding chairs.

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