Saturday, April 11, 2009

J's Birthday Party...

Den and I learned some important lessons when we threw the party for J's 2nd birthday. It was to be a low key casual deal with some of the pals she sees most often. Unless it is just one other family, don't try and do this without g'parents!

The theme of the party was "The Best Nest" by Eastman. It's on J's top 5 favorite books list. It is joined by Make Way for Ducklings, 1-2-3- (where you trace the numbers and it has lots o pictures), Mike Mulligan and the Steamshovel, and The Button Book.

For the party, Den made a cake to match Mrs. Bird--despite my micro-managing of the assembly process, it looks pretty good. Come Thurs. night we decided to think about what to do at the party. Friday night I found actual birdhouses that looked just like ones in the book, so we had a reading of The Best Nest while everyone ate lunch, then the kids colored the houses and stuffed them with nest contents (down to the straws in the book). The Easter egg dying of 60+ eggs went off without a stain to the oriental rug under the dining room table (that we know of). We had such a good time watching that we think we'd like to have an egg dying party next year...I hate to see all those dyes go to waste for just a dozen eggs.

Then, as we prepared to bring out the cake...we discovered welts on J's stomach and armpits (see first picture at bath time). Of course it was an hour after the doctor's office closed for the day (Saturday hours), so we called the after hours line to find out if we should break in that new epi-pen the doctor gave us (that visit will be another post).
Long story short is that she is now on a round the clock dose of benadryl until 12-hours after the welts disappear (supposed to be in 3-4 days). Nurse said that sometimes kids can get welts like this after fighting something viral (like pink eye/ear infection). She just finished the meds on Friday night for that combo.

Poor kid. Everyone graciously stuck around until our little medical-drama was addressed and we could cut the cake. Josie decided she didn't want to blow out the candles, so one of the older kids suggested that Eddie take on that task. Happy to oblige, he (and a couple helpers) blew out the candles. I really think she wasn't feeling well--that or the benedryl had kicked in that we'd given her some time ago.

These are the houses, filled with nests and eggs. Eddie even wrote his name ont he back.
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Anonymous said...

Hope the spots have disappeared. Did they itch too? You'll always remember this party.
Another clever party, another reason to remember Josie's 2nd BD. All the kids and grownups will remember too. Maybe you will have to be a party planner. G'mom J

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Josie's medical problem and hope that it disappears soon! Sounds like the party went well otherwise and that everyone was patient and understanding. The only thing that you can count on with kids is the unexpected. I really like the cake that Dennis made for Josie and happy to hear that Eddie pitched in with blowing out the candles.
Grandma Ohio