Monday, March 16, 2009

More FLA

Why am I posting at 4:19 in the afternoon on a Monday? Because Eddie decided he wanted to take a nap. In his own bed. So he went in, laid down and was out, telling me not to come back to check on him. Josie, who still naps regularly, decided she did NOT want to take a nap, so after 45 minutes of crying on and off, she fell asleep in about 3 seconds while I held her. Now instead of doing everything I swear I'd do if I just had 30 minutes during the day, I am blogging. Nice priorities. I do have a load of laundry in of course.
Here are a couple more photos of FLA. This is Cousin Sami (who is actually my first cousin's kid). She and the kids really got along well. Yes, Eddie knows his sunglasses are on upside down, I believe that was the point.
Josie is a 'ride' freak, just like apparently her g'pa Wisc. She LOVED the ferris wheel. Kept wanting to go back, so she rode it a couple times.
Remember Santa Barbara in Sept. 06? Eddie fed the giraffe. He wasn't so interested this time, but J sure was.
They had the cutest little train for the kids to ride. I honestly could not tell you how many times they rode it. More than any other thing. We'd go off and do other stuff only to come back to the train. I don't know who liked it more, Eddie and Josie, or their mom.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like everyone had a good time and Josie appears to like the giraffe and the rides. The train really does look cute and fun to ride.
Grandma Ohio