Monday, February 16, 2009

FLA--Day 1 part 1 :)

I wish Blogger had a way to create an album off to the side so I could just upload all the photos with mini-captions and write a brief synopsis of the trip. If someone knows of a way, just let me know. At some point I'll read the instructions on how to upload a video...(which clearly didn't work).

We met g'parents Wisc in FLA for the second time (last year being the first) and for all my relatives we saw, it probably should have been g'parents Ohio, yet G'parents Wisc. gamely came along to see everyone.
It was soooo cold in FLA. I was cold standing outside in long pants, long sleeves and fleece jacket. We went this year to the exact same place, down to the same hotel (different rooms). It's called 'High Noon Resort' and it's wonderful, not to mention extremely difficult to get into. People come back each year the same weeks and book 1-2 weeks, including taking their kids out of school. They book months, if not an entire year in advance.

Den and I are not the 'go the same place twice' kind of people--unless it involves Mickey Mouse. Much as we loved it, this is likely the last time we'll go there for at least a couple years, as there are just too many other places in the world to see. However, last year we discovered this park on our last day, so were happy to start the trip out by taking the kids there after b-fast with E's cousins.
This is Kirsten, who was captivated by Josie and Eddie--and likewise.

I'm with Eddie--what the heck is this thing?
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