Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Remember When?

Of the literately 1000s (perhaps 10s of 1000s) of photos I have of the kids, these rank up there in the top 100 for each kid, maybe even the top 10. I do have shots in which the kids are in almost similar poses, but they would require time to find and I have a Christmas letter chock full of pictures to assemble.

I digress--anyone tell who's who is these photos?

Den is on his way home right now, in between flights at the moment.

Remember when we marveled at their baby poop? When on the day we arrived home from the hospital, Eddie not only blew out a diaper, but pooped while said diaper was being changed and the force spread poop about 10 feet from the point of origin? Through the playpen and clear across the living room. Den and I laughed so hard, I nearly cried from pain.

Remember when J, unlike Eddie couldn't poop after starting solids? We obsessed about her poop and her dietary intake.

I think I'll rename this the poop exploits of Josie and Eddie. Today, when I got home, Eddie enthusatically announced that he had pooped in the potty. He then proceeded to poop again in the potty before bed. THANK YOU JOSEPHINE!

She is now not as committed to the potty, but it was enough to get Eddie started. I'm not holding my breath as he will periodically decide to poop on the potty, but I feel a new leaf is being turned.

In years time, when I've long ago stopped tracking their potty progress, I'll read this post and laugh over how consuming it was of my mental power, especially because I'm sure that I'll be obsessing over something that will seem just as important as this was right now. After all, it's not healthy not to poop and as the book says, everybody poops.

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