Monday, November 24, 2008

A new level of sibling rivalry

Josie pooped tonight. In the toliet (the training one). Without any prompting. In fact, according to Den, he had just gotten her out of the bath and he was tending to Eddie when she peed by the bathtub, then scooted across to the little toliet (which has a flip down lid so as to double as a stool), flipped up the lid, sat down and POOPED.

Den, who usually handles bath/bedtime alone as his relaxing 'dad' ritual called for me with a slightly paniced, slightly excited panic in his voice. I thought something was wrong as I tore up the stiars. We were both excited of course that she had pooped, but more so because now it raised the stakes for Eddie (or so we hope). He is Mr. won't poop in the potty and Mr. holds it in, so is taking Miralx via the doctor. We really hope this doesn't backfire with him, but rather incentivzes him.
Josie has been expressing interest for a while, telling us she has pooped and sitting on the potty of her own volition. I brought up the potty when she started telling us she had pooped, just so she knew it was there. I'm not naive enough to think this is the beginning of potty training for her, and hope Cookie doesn't take it as a sign either, but...we'll not exactly discourage it either.

This is the turkey hat Ed made in preschool--pretty cute. What is really cute is when I picked him up that day, he said he made the hat for Josie. Melted my heart. He really did too. He really wants her to wear and enjoy it. Problem is that it's too big for her and she doesn't want to wear it.
So...tonight Den and I were playing the Eddie tittled, 'turkey game', whereby we take turns wearing the hat and running cirlces around the railroad track in the family room as we flap our wings and gobble like a turkey. We really need blinds in the family room!

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Anonymous said...

We can hardly wait to witness you and Den wearing the turkey hat and running around the train track! Does Eddie join in this exercise?
Grandma and Grandpa Ohio

meg said...

I've heard of elimination contests, but I never dreamt that it referred to competitive pooping. Although if any family....

Of course, who am I to talk? I was *taught* to hold it in until I got home. That's the Swedes for you.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty proud. Pooping milestones seem to always happen with me in the room/vacinity. In the potty, in the tub, etc. In this case, even Brother Eddie had the comment, "Hey, she gets a piece of candy for pooping in the potty!" Daddy

Anonymous said...

I hear (although I can't confirm having had only boys) that girls get potty trained much earlier and easier than boys. 18 months old is not all that uncommon apparently so it may be that Josie is ready. One of my sons waited to be almost FIVE before pooping in the toilet...
Yeah Josie, you go girl!

Betta from Ohio