Sunday, November 02, 2008

In the Days Leading up To Halloween

The weekend before Halloween we had been invited to 5 parties in about a 4 hour block of time. Needless to say, we were only able to 'hit' 2 of them. One was the local neighborhood Association party, for which I had been assigned to bring a 'sweet'. I took my responsibility seriously and so the kids helped me with some sugar cookies and icing. This picture you see of Den, he 'helped' for about 2 minutes until he grew tired of the help he was receving from kids egar to help taste test as well as work their magic on the cookie cutters.
Even Josie punched out a couple cookies. No one became ill from the raw egg, either. They were quite good if I don't say so myself--and I even add libbed a bit (which I NEVER do when cooking). Next, I'm going to take a cooking class so I can move on to some of those receipes calling for egg whites).

Wow! Don't you just love this photo! I sure hope they stay this close through childhood (and adulthood).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do love the last picture of Eddie and Josie hugging. These are great photos of Halloween and family time.
Mom in Ohio