Sunday, November 02, 2008

Happy Halloween

Taking advantage of the time change, in thinking it's later than it really is--and getting 4 posts out in one shot.
So I shouldn't admit this, but we took J out when she had a 100.6 degree fever (it was 99.7 all day). We had just planned to have her out for a short while and keep her close to us.

She was also supposed to be a yellow dog, while Eddie was a blue cat. Then we couldn't find a sleeper, sweat shrit, or anything to resemble a yellow dog. So she became an orange dog. Then, last weekend, she spied this dress at the Disney store, and SHE became Minnie Mouse.

Thanks to Aunt Sharon for using the found pink ribbon I'd saved and Den to making these felt ears, that while crooked in the photo, really made the outfit.

For Ed, it was a little more difficult to do a blue cat--how do you do fur when he really wants to be 'blue'--dye the fur (I did think of this, as you can find stuff that could resemble fur). It was a pretty lame costume and he didn't even want a tail, but he was happy, and that's what mattered. Fortunately for the real gig (treat or treating) we got them to wear their ears (with a little help from mom's head-band). We had put a bell on his collar, but he pulled it off and didn't want it back on. At the parties the previous weekend, he'd used blue and then green whiskers and nose.

This time, we got black...

Here Ed is applying his 'own' black nose and whiskers. J seems to be doing okay despite her fever. We had planned to just dress her up and not go, then just go for a short time and then she just got sucked into it all.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the costumes!
Mom in Ohio