Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Holiday Weekend

It's been a couple weeks, but g'parents Ohio came out for the long Columbus Day weekend. While out, they bought Eddie and J a mini acquarium, which we filled with 2 female beta fish. It's been almost 2 weeks I think--and they are still alive. I still have childhood memories of coming home from vacation to find 4 goldfish dead in our tank--as I recall we dumped a bunch of food in their tank and hoped for the best. As a parent, I'm guessing my parents must have half hoped something along those lines would happen :) I don't recall that we ever replaced the fish.
At least our tank sits up high, so it would probably not be readily apparent to Ed and J if they died. Feeding time is pretty fun--esp. when the fish are hungry.

Gparents gamely went apple picking with Ed, J and I while Den worked on Monday. They were headed out of town and we stopped at a nearby orchard. 10 pounds of apples later...

I thought g'parents were going to take some apples with us, so when they loaded our car with all 10 pounds, I kind of wondered what we'd eat. Turns out that squash with apples, apple and blueberry crisp (blueberries from the blueberry picking in Ohio this summer I have yet to blog about), apple crisp, plain old apples and I know I'm leaving something out??? Anyway, they looked rough as we picked them, but cleaned up nicely and taste good.

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