Tuesday, October 07, 2008

18 month update

J is offically 18 months old and these 4 photos miraculously were taken on Oct. 3, the actual day she turned 18 months.

She doesn't have her doctor's apt. til the end of the month, so I'll post her stats then.

J is starting to talk a lot more. Most of her words are not teligible to most people, but she is speaking in both spanish and english. Mas and more (same word), please and por (for por favore). She says carrot, duck and airplane. Bird, ball, and balloon are all similar sounding.

She likes watching TV much more than Eddie and happily sits during his nebulizer treatments to watch Mickey Mouse Playhouse. It's so cute when she laughs at something on the screen.

She continues to be a daredevil, willing to try anything and go anywhere. Eddie has started to get a taste for what it's like to be hit, have his hair pulled and have the kid sized table pulled away from him. Because of her teething, she has suck those pearly whites into unsuspecting and sometimes deserving skin. I don't like that she's learned these things, but I do like that she has learned to stick up for herself. Next step will be refining how she sticks up for herself.

She likes her babydoll and duck. She enjoys puzzles and lots of girly things, which surprised me quite a bit. She has my appetite which means she is hungry as soon as the meal is over. She frequently has multiple breakfasts--one for each person who cares for her in the morning. She has started taking 2-3 hour naps consistently. An annoying habit has developed of shreiking or crying out when she feels she is being wronged or wants something she is not being given. I hope as her language develops that will improve as we try and encourage her to use words to communicate.

We are debating about sending her to preschool next year. She seems like she'd really enjoy herself, but I'm not sure I feel she should go. Got another 4 months to decide. Eddie is thriving in preschool and I'm starting to feel better and learn that lots of 3 year olds have the same approach to solicalization that Eddie does. I read to his class a couple weeks back--The Little Engine That Could and then a couple other book that Eddie and his classmates selected. I had a great time.

She is just as sharp as Eddie, but in a different way and most definitely understands (and knows how to manipulate) the world around her.

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