Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Last of the Beach Photos

I swear these are the last photos I will bore you with. Is it any wonder that my readership is about 10 :) Like Randy Pausch, I'm doing this for my kids--well and for Den and me when we are old and senile.
I digress. Den and the Ergo got a workout--first with Jo and then Eddie. We've thought about buying a second as it's such a pain to make adjustments as the fit is quite important.

Eddie loved this spiral staircase and he also loved the blue room. But...everyone was too nervous to let him sleep in one of the twin beds at the top, so he made daily visits and we checked out the view of the ocean.
Does the beach wear a kid out? This was around 5:30pm. G'pa was positive he was going to fall asleep and seemed to report on it about every 3 minutes. Eventually, as all the commotion continued around him, Eddie fell asleep. Right at the table.
As we rushed to get on the road, we paused to snap a quick photo on the front steps. The house was quite large (about 3600 sf), so a little difficult to capture the whole thing from any one angle. There are a couple other houses I'd like to check out for next summer, but if no other options, would definitely be interested in this one again. Well, except for the shark problem.Posted by Picasa

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