Monday, June 09, 2008

Eddie's New Camera

G'parents Ohio came out for a quick visit--less than 48 hours--and for the record stayed at a nearby hotel, as there is no room here. G'ma had moved on from wanting to buy Eddie a bike and had decided he needed one of those fisher-price style cameras:

Noticed this link says 'new version', I didn't realize they had an old and new version. But I'm guessing the reason there is a 'new' version is that previous reviews said the camera at $70 for the old version took crappy shots. So G'parents Ohio bought him a real live Cannon camera for not much more than the 'new' fisher price version.
At first he liked the purse they brought J better than his camera and J liked Eddie's camera more, but soon enough Eddie couldn't be stopped...recording the world from 3 feet high. Above are a couple pictures he snapped.
Have I mentioned that it's been hot here the last several days? J has just eaten either watermelon or strawberries to cool off--or both.
And happy day--our contractor says there is a chance he could finish up early! That is if we would hurry up and pick the electrical components of our project.

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