Tuesday, January 29, 2008

G'parents Wisc Christmas

I already posted a couple photos from the g'parents Wisc. Christmas visit and some of these might look familar to g'parents Ohio, as they also took Eddie on the train at the mall. The difference being this second time, the line for Santa was ab out 20 people long and we had to wait through three train rides to get not the blue car, but the very end car.

Only g'parents Wisc. and Cookie take Eddie to the park in the winter...

If you can believe it, the weather was warmer when we went nearly a month later to the local Zoolights show, helped that it wasn't raining. Had my first taste of kettlecorn--yum. Eddie had his first taste of popcorn also (to my knowledge anyway, who knows what other caregivers have allowed him to sample w/o my knowledge).

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