Saturday, January 12, 2008

Alternate Uses for the Playpen

With Eddie, when he would no longer stay in the playpen, we ended up using it as toy storage. With Josie, as she has increasingly been less willing to stay in, we have started offering to Eddie that he can take his 3+ year-old toys in there.
And he loves it! He still cries out that he doesn't want Josie in there and ocassionally tries to throw things out of the playpen (in true Eddie style), but it is SOOO much better than Friday was--when Eddie was screaming all day long about Josie getting within 2 feet of anything he was playing with.
We have definitely entered THAT stage. She wants to play with his stuff, and he keeps pushing her on the head. I seriously couldn't tell you the number of time outs he has had this afternoon (Sat).
I digress, so the playpen is good for keeping one child out and another's toys in. Kind of wondered if and when it would come to this.
Eddie took a swim class today. After he got knocked over by a wave in the summer, he was scared to be in/near the water, so we signed him up for this class to help him get past that--it's a water aclimation class. He only cried the first 2/3 of the class--the last 10 min. he finally enjoyed himself and pronounced it 'fun'. This is good because I gambled and told him he wouldn't have to go again if he didn't have fun. Whew, it was close!
Still have xmas pictures to post...


Anonymous said...

Delighted to hear that Eddie has found a place to play with his toys without Josie. Very creative solution to the problem. Unfortunately, I have no ideas other then time outs about hitting Josie, which you can not tolerate.

Also delighted you are giving Eddie swimming lessons to overcome his fear. The beach is so much fun that you wnat them to have a healthy respect for the water but still want to enjoy it.
Grandma Ohio

Anonymous said...

Another G'mom glad that there are swim lessons for the kids. I wasn't able to take lessons until college and then barely passed. Tried again when Barron got a pool but that didn't fly either so told the D and R they had to take lessons so they could rescue me--if need be.