Saturday, December 15, 2007

From the Last Week

I know I still owe an 8 month update, but here goes on the last week and a half:

Josie, after she ate a teething biscuit. She really devours these now. She doesn't go for the fruit puffs so much (those star shaped things that are supposed to aide in self-feeding development)--her brother sure like them tho'.

He also LOVES his tinker toys. With all the toys with small parts we try and stick to a rule of only when the baby is asleep/not around. I'm not sure how long this will last, but long enough for her to get past the major putting things in her mouth stage, I hope. Below is one of his first tinker toy creations.

Last week we got some snow. It finished falling by around 11pm, but the inch or so was enough to delay school opening 2 hours. Gotta love our area...Eddie and Cookie made this snowman complete with hat.

Den, ever the engineer made Eddie a cat and a dog with the tinker toys.

Just after I took this photo of Josie, she hosited her leg right up on top of that garage...

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