Sunday, November 18, 2007

It's My Blog...

And I can rant if I want to. I just had to get all this off my chest. I originally wrote this on Sunday, but I've got a couple things to add...things that are on my mind at the moment that I'm steaming over.

1. I am so sick of those plastic things they use to attach price tags and product tags to clothes and other items. When I worked in retail, I figured someone could buy one of the guns they use the attach the tags and reattach anything you wanted. I've wasted coutless hours clipping those off--especially fun on baby clothes and toys--talk about a choking hazard! When are those going to be on the cpsc recalled lists?

2. It drives me crazy how manufacturers have all but glued toys to boxes with so many twisty ties that it takes 30 min. just to get the toy out of the box. I know it serves a purpose, but isn't there a better way?

3. Along those same lines, the blister packs for containing everything from knives (just ask g'pa Ohio) to software and even toys. I narrowly escape injury every time I try and open one. Why oh why, must companies use these? I know it must cut down on returns and the like, but one of these days, someone is going to sue them and then where will they be?

4. That my sister and her husband were told they'd be getting an infant and then because of a brand new (this summer) Federal law, the baby is staying with the family who got him from the hospital. I really truly want to hate the family that got to keep the baby. I know that's not 'right' and all that, but really, they got in through the back door and that's not right.

5. That a dear friend who is my age just had hopefully sucessful surgery for uterine cancer.

6. That my son had such a bad croupy cough on Sunday that I was shaking as I called the doctor and on the verge of leaving for the ER (unmistakable cough that resembles a seal barking and in Eddie's case, he is struggling to breath--it's what preceeded his bad asthma attack last fall).

7. That my daughter has been to the doctor no less than 4 times in 2 weeks between her adjustment to solids and now they are all concerned about her eye draining--so we have an appointment for a pediatric opthomologist in a couple weeks.

I am usually the kind of person who finds the silver lining in things, or tries to at least think of something good. I will, but right now, it just feels good to put all those things out there that are pissing me off right now. It's my blog I'm allowed :) No positive energy or thoughts allowed in the comments, please, I just want to be angry.

Will try and post something cheerful for Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

meg said...

Get your rant on, gf.