Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The Great Pumpkin

Happy Halloween--a week late. I had planned for Josie to be in bed or on her way to bed and didn't see the need to dress her in her Halloween finest. Cookie had other things in mind. Being a kid person, she is way more into the holiday than I am.

These pictures a way out of order, but I think you guys can figure it out. Let me start by saying Eddie asked Dennis to carve a dog. Dennis was all set for the traditional pumpkin scene with toothy-grin, triangle nose, etc. This request stumped him.

But not Cookie, she had all sorts of thought on how to implement. Den kept running in the house for more implements (we were all hanging out watching the pumpkin carving). I went in to get Ed some dinner and when I came back out, Cookie was carving the pumpkin! Boy, she is a full service babysitter!
She did one side as a dog and then as a surprise for Eddie, did the other side a cat. It really was a work of art--we were suitably impressed.

I think it's documented that Halloween is not my favorite holiday. I don't like all the kids coming to the door and having to coo over their costumes--especially when they are store bought (now that I'm a home-made costume snob). I took Eddie out so Den could hand out the candy (well, and Den had taken Eddie out the year before).
We went with his neighborhood buddies. I got Eddie to say trick-or-treat, but it was usually to me and not the person at the door. He did consistently say 'thank you', which I was most pleased with. Here they sit on the front porch, relaxing as they wait for kids to come by (so they won't ring the bell and wake the sleeping Josie).
Eddie has a week later pretty much forgotten about his Halloween candy, but I can't. I think I need to start giving it to him, so I don't eat it all.


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct that the costume you made for Eddie looks like a blue dog! It is easy to see from the pictures that you produced exactly the costume that Eddie requested for both himself and Josephine. Good job!
Grandma Ohio

Anonymous said...

Having seen the pumpkin carved and shown in the post, we can testify to the terrific job that Cookie did in creating it. A true piece of art work.
Grandma and Grandpa Ohio

elizabethanddennis said...

G'ma Ohio is just kissing up because this weekend she gave me a hard time about the likeness to a dog. Lots of people thought he was 'Blue' from Blue's Clues, but he doesn't even know who that is.

Anonymous said...

Love the costumes. Ya done good. The pumpkins are impressive too.
G'mom J

meg said...

Um, what is Dennis dressed as? A disaffected IT worker who has just snapped or Olivia Fig-Newton in *Xanadu*?

Anonymous said...

I was a "partial" dog, wearing the ears after Ed tired of the. And, for the record, I did help with the pumpkin carving. I expertly removed the top and scraped out most of the seeds (and went to the basement for my cordless drill & hole saw). Den

L said...

The costumes are cute. Eddie's does look almost exactly like Blue's Clue or the blue dog in Go Dog Go by P.D. Eastman. The pumpkin looks great. Most important it looks like everyone was having fun.
Aunt Lore