Monday, November 26, 2007

The Gingerbread House

I will freely admit that I bought a kit to make a gingerbread house. I do know my weaknesses--and one of them is the culinary arts--seriously, if you can make a good looking gb (gingerbread house), you could be a pastry chef.

This is not to demean pastry chefs--a very dear friend is one, it's just that making that tube of icing do what you want is harder than one would think.

We took it a step further and Den hot glue gunned the sides together so we didn't have to wait forever for it to dry--boy that sure was nice. I was in charge of applying the cement icing and Eddie was overseer of candy application.

There was minor overlap in a couple areas, but overall, we stuck to our assigned tasks. I must say, Eddie did remarkably well in not eating the candy--until towards the end. I didn't do as well. Everytime I opened a new bag of candy, my mouth began quivering and I longed to snitch a piece, but if Eddie could restrain himself, then so could I.

And then I caught him snitching a piece--we still did well, but Den helped himself to a couple pieces too.

Den is in Orlando all week and requested a new post...let him have gingerbread!
She's had a kind of funny looking smile the last couple days...funny looking in that it doesn't look like her---doesn't look like she usually does anyway.


G'mom J said...

Aunt Beth, Erica and G'mom J made a gingerbread cheche scene this year complete with 3 kings, decked out in their finest candy jewels, a camel. a sheep with genuine frosting wool, Mary, Joseph, and of course, baby Jesus in the manger. It also was fun. Ask about the gingerbread houses in past years and a cupboard filled with frosting, Memorable....

Anonymous said...

The gingerbread house looks great and am delighted that the three of you could work together to produce such a fine Christmas tradition. Eating the candy it seems to me is just part of the fun of the activity.
Grandma Ohio