Wednesday, November 07, 2007

First jog

Last week, Den was setting up our new computer, so I couldn't post. He had some transferring of files issues, but we think have it all to just get the internet functioning and we'll be all set.

Oct. 28---Josie's first jog. The mnual (such as it is) for the jog stroller says that between 6 and 8 months, babies can go for a jog (necks will be strong enough, etc.). I needed the break, Den needed a jog, Eddie needed to go to the park, and it was high time Josie took a run. Apparently she did great.
I've ordered a rain/weather guard, a handlebar tray and carseat converter and we're all set for anything.

Ed--Mr. I-don't-want-a - blanket man, has decided it's fun to share a blanket with his sister. I think it's so adorable. I've also realized the thing about him switching to a toddler bed that makes me so sad is that he is definitely not a baby anymore and is on his way out of toddler-hood and entering what they call a preschooler. All these classifications I never even knew existed.

It's beginning--and I guess it's really been ongoing, but this transition was a bigger deal to me than I think just about any of his others. He needs us less and less. I expected that I would rejoice. I am not a baby person, yet I've tried hard not to wish away the time they are young, as I know their youth goes all too quickly. Yet, the idea of him being old enough to be in a regular bed is hard to swallow and comprehend. I'm forever 6 years old to my mom and I wonder if Eddie will forever be 2.5 to me?

1 comment:

L said...

I think all the transitions as children grow are harder on their parents then them. The toddler bed is just proff of how big Eddie has gotten. I think he might be forver 6 to you when he gets older.
We enjoy spending time with both Eddie and Josie. It is great to be able to see them grow up thru the blog.
Aunt Lore