Sunday, October 21, 2007

Six Month update

These pictures demonstrate what Josie did on her 6-month birthday. Originally she was scheduled for a doctor's appointment, but that was moved to the following week so we could go to Disney World! Here she is sleeping in daddy's arms, who is also sleeping. Eddie and I read a bunch of books on the flight. Since I'm writing this about 3 weeks after her 6th month, it's difficult to separate then and now, but I'll try...

As of the 3rd, she had tried rice cereal--refer to my post of Aug. 2005 for the description of baby rice cereal, but given her issues with dairy, I wasn't sure how to proceed with food, so I just kept with the rice.

She was just starting to get up on all fours in preparation for crawling. She has also been able to turn on the acquarium in her crib. I had to raise the adjustable exersaucer up a level because she was getting too tall. She was still solidly in size 3-6 months with 90% of her clothes.

I realized during this character dinner that I had forgotten to take much in the way of pictures of her on her birthday. Here she is being charmed by goofy. I wasn't expecting that they would pay any attention to her, but every character made a point of going up to her----in the same way that humans make a point of going up to her.

She loves watching Eddie--who cracks her up. It's fun that he entertains her. Our continued challenge is that she is starting to want to play with toys and he doesn't quite get that she can play with toys and that "eddie's" toys are really toys for her. I am glad that I didn't put as much of his infant toys away and have gradually introduced him, lest it seem like an onslaught of toys for her (not him) (if you ask Dennis we've had more of an avalanche of toys hit our living room and they are spreading all over the house). I have a hard time parting with toys...

At the doctor's visit (on the 10th), she got five shots. It was supposed to be 4, but we gave her the flu shot then too. She was already fussy because she was hungry and tired, but boy those shots didn't do her any favors. Fortunately this time she had little to no reaction from the actual shot (last time she swelled up around the injection sites). Next visit at nine months will be no shots, but a draw of blood for lead testing.

The stats were: Weight: 15 pounds, 2.6 ounces. This puts her at 35% By comparison, Eddie was about 20 pounds at this point. Was was at 50% for height, which was 25 3/4 inches. And her head was 60-70% at 16 3/4 inches. They have this new gizmo for measuring height that is this pre-measured roll-up pad, similar to how they measure fish. It's pretty cool and seems more reliable than drawing a line at their head, holding them as still as possible and then drawing a line at their feet and measuring in between. Easier too.

Doctor was pleased with her development. Asked if she could move things from one hand to the other. We had no idea. He put a binder clip in one hand and she reached over with the other hand to grab it. Pretty neat science experiment. He started to give her a business card and then worried about her poking herself. This is a man with 4 kids and a FIFTH! on the way. She didn't quite know her name yet, but the doctor didn't expect that. She basically knew or could do just about everything else he asked.

He asked if she was sitting up and at this point, she had just started to sit up and then promptly fall over. For the doctor, she stayed sitting for at least 10 seconds (now she is at several minutes). He thought that was great. And she immediately pushed up on all fours when placed on her tummy. Eye is still gunky from a blocked tear duct, but doctor said it should go away with time and drops we are supposed to put in her eyes. She was making whatever noises they were supposed to then (now--in the last couple days), she sounds like she is having entire conversations with herself. It's pretty funny.

We'll see when I have time for the next update.

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