Wednesday, September 12, 2007

My Addiction

Bet you thought I'd talk about computers and the internet, but no. I'm going to put myself out there for all the ribbing that is sure to come, I have a stroller addiction. Our first stroller was a Zooper Swing that as soon-to-be-new parents we bought because it seemingly did everything we wanted a stroller to do -- or thought we did. It was reasonably priced and was a nice compromise for Den's request to only buy one stroller. Then we had the baby.

We are now the proud owners of:

1. Zooper Swing (which I'd like to sell). I hate that the baby can't face you and so you are constantly stopping to see what's going on in there. Otherwise, nice stroller.

2. Kolcraft Universal (plug in frame for carseat)-- bought this because it was less cumbersome and smaller than the Zooper--anything to make it easier to get out and about--and it worked--and still does for Josie.

3. Kolcraft something-or-other $50 stroller from Sears. We used this as our airplane travel stroller for a while. It was cheap so if the airlines broke it (which they ultimately did), we wouldn't care. It now resides at g'parents Ohio.

4. Zooper was too difficult to fold down and took up most of trunk, so we opted for a McClaren Quest--much better handling and smaller umbrella-style profile.

5. Had a third - me- down single jogger till we relinquished that to its original owners for a

6. Bob Revolution single jogger--great steering, great for jogging, handlebar is too high for me, so I don't use--but Den has put a few (which Den says is more than a couple) hundred miles on it--at least.

7. Needed a double for the ocassional nanny share (well prior to number 2) friends gave us their used, much older model Combi tandem (double) stroller-- in perfectly usable condition. It has offically been cristened our beach/beater stroller.

8. Needed a double so the nanny could push both Eddie and J on walks. She specifically requested the Graco duoglider. I reluctantly agreed, not being a Graco stroller fan--this was after months of shopping and not finding anything else--she and I agreed a tandem (front to back) was the best given the age spread of J and Ed.

9. REI was having a HUGE Labor Day weekend sale and the Bob Revolution Duallie (2-seater) was marked down by A LOT. Den agreed that he would in the next couple months want a double jogger (in just about 3 - 4 months we'll be able to send Josie out with Ed and Den on jogs and park visits). Irony here is now nanny loves this stroller and uses it every day--makes Den happy. I like it too--doesn't feel like you are pushing two kids, let alone one.

10. Peg Perego Venezia--I used to call this my dream stroller--it was everything I wanted--until I joined a listserve that is devoted to strollers, now I have other dream strollers, but I still REALLY like the Peg Perego Venezia I just got last weekend used for less than 1/4 of the full price in fabulous shape--practically a steal.

Now my dream stroller is the Mountain Buggy Urban Double, but it seems a bit redundant since we have the Duallie. Since the nanny has latched onto the new Bob Revolution Duallie, the Graco Duoglider is left sitting in the garage--for when someone else needs a double--like my new walking buddy to preschool. Course I have three doubles from which to chose--even I think this is a little crazy. Don't get me started on the iCandy Pear, due out this fall--looks like Eddie will be a touch too big for it though.

Now all together "Poor Dennis". Yes, but the wise Dennis knows, "A Happy Wife = A Happy Life". If I ever get time (the publishing of this post has been delayed because...) I'd been wanting photos of all the strollers lined up, thought it'd be fun. But with the broken computer, I'm so behind at this point, am letting these publish in their original order...

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