Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Catch up photos

I've been meaning to post these for a while now. A dear friend from high school lives a little over an hour away and we try and get together a couple times/year. Most recently she brought her then 10 month-old twins, pictured here. It was quite the housefull (back in July). Eddie was mesmerized by them--I'm not sure if it was because there were two of them, or they were older babies than baby J, or what.

My friend for her part has the whole thing down pat.

Visited g'parents Ohio the beginning of August--sandwiched between g'parents Wisc. and the beach. We were only able to squeeze in a couple much-needed visits with old friends.

Ed had never eaten whipped cream before (well, Cool Whip anyway) and it was quite entertaining--as with most condiments/sauces/seasonings, etc. , once he got it under his belt, he tried to spoon the Cool Whip straight in, without the benefit of the strawberry.

Josie is being held by one of the very first people I met when we moved from Florida to Ohio as a child--our next door neighbor, who was my age.
Josie is mesmerized by the fan at g'parents Ohio.

And I think I mentioned we were treated to an extra, yet unexpected visit by g'parents Ohio for unfortunately, a funeral. Here g'ma hauled Dennis out to take pictures of g'pa playing catch with Ed. I thought they'd done that a lot, given Ed's love of balls, but it was cute.

I don't know if I mentioned this in his 2.5 year post, because I don't think we'd experienced it yet, but we experienced something like the flip of a switch, it happened so fast--Eddie's processing of the world around him is so much more developed than it was even last month.

I'm trying to think of how to describe it--he understands so much more and can put things in context on a level different than he used to. It didn't quite happen overnight, but just about. It was after we got back from the beach that I started to notice it. Anyway, there's my "what we ate for dinner" post. :)

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