I say Josie turned 5 months today. Den says she won’t turn 5 months until Sept. 3. Neither of us can argue that 20 weeks ago she was born. I rationalize that 4 weeks equals a month, but now that I think about it, I guess I’ve been ‘off’ all these times I’ve posted, because you get 12 months and the 12th one falls on April 3.
I’m all messed up because the Doctor’s office must count in terms of weeks, somehow catching you up by the first birthday. At any rate, she is talking up a storm, with ahg, ahg, ahg. Her latest development is that only mommy can put her to sleep for the night. This is a bit of a problem and something I’ll not tolerate--nor will Den. She screams bloody murder when Den tries to get her to sleep the last several nights. Hopefully we can resolve it sooner rather than later.
I’m all messed up because the Doctor’s office must count in terms of weeks, somehow catching you up by the first birthday. At any rate, she is talking up a storm, with ahg, ahg, ahg. Her latest development is that only mommy can put her to sleep for the night. This is a bit of a problem and something I’ll not tolerate--nor will Den. She screams bloody murder when Den tries to get her to sleep the last several nights. Hopefully we can resolve it sooner rather than later.
She's found her feet and really holds onto stuff--and people. Den is working (sucessfully) to get her to hold her own bottle. She is drinking 5 ounces in a sitting regularly. She loves taking baths and seems to enjoy watching Eddie. We just started putting her in the doorway jumper and will soon be branching out to the exersaucer--it's all about places to put the baby when you need to do something.
She so much fun right now--and relatively easy.
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