We've arrived safely in Wisc. (as of Thurs.), but there will be no pictures for a while as we left the laptops at home and there is no way to upload photos to the g'parents computer. Don't worry, I'm taking some fabulous
photos while here tho'.
I love traveling, so much so that I'm trying to tell Den that he needs to get his employer to offer a 'splash' like his brother's employer offers--after a certain number of years of employment, you get 4 weeks off that you are required to take. Can you imagine the places we could go? I'm salvating just thinking about it. Somehow I doubt that will happen, but a girl can wish. It would be so great for employee moral and retention, and people would come back refreshed and ready to go. And it would have to be required, as otherwise people like Den would never use it--the idea (which I can understand) of being away that long is daunted. Just think of it as abreviated Maternity/Paternity leave :)
But I digress. When I used to travel every three weeks for work, I was an efficient packer. Somewhere along the way, I became the worlds slowest packer, no matter what time I start, I'm always finishing at midnight. Trying to pack now for 4 people...I started at noon, laying out Ed's clothes, but between interuptions, laundry, and ironing, we literately didn't finish until midnight. I am positive that if I had just waited and started at 10 or 11, I would have still been able to finish at midnight.
Needless to say, Den and I were exhausted on Thurs. as we were woken by both kids during the night and baby Josephine thought it was a good night to stay up after her 4:30am feeding. So on the plane, I ordered a Coke (pepsi), Den ordered a coffee, and we got Ed a little bit of OJ. Ed downed his OJ, and wanted our drinks. To keep the peace, Ed had some water diluted coffee AND pepsi--and still managed to nap on the way to the g'parents. Come to think of it, maybe that's why he only slept 40 minutes.
I was really nervous about how Josie would do on the plane--Ed has (short of one bad flight) always been a steller traveler and this flight was no exception. Josie did great too. No ear popping issues--which really is the one thing I worry about. There were lots of kids around us and ours were the only ones who didn't fuss, cry or otherwise protest during the flight. We are so lucky in this regard!
The thing we love about visiting Wisc. is the sleep. We went to bed just after 9am on Thurs. night and didnt' get up until 10am the next day--with a couple interuptions during the night of course. Gotta love g'parents!
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