Sunday, July 01, 2007

Bodyslam number 1 of 2

Den left tonight (Sunday) for the first of two bodyslam, one-night trips this month (that we know of). This one is almost all the way across the country and he gets back tomorrow night.

I've been more stressed about finding a sitter for a night we need in mid-July than I was about how my night with the kids alone would go. This was the first time I was alone with both kids for dinner and the full nighttime routine.

I wonder if they knew it, because they were both GREAT! Ask me how they were during the night and hopefully I still say that. Josie went to bed the earliest yet--at 8:15 and I gave Ed some books to read, with instructions not to throw them out of his crib and he didn't. There was no food flying, no toys flung across the bathroom in a quest to get me wet, and Josie even did her part.

The only glitch was that the swing is low on batteries and it stopped working while Ed was in the bath, causing Josie to scream. I ran downstairs to get her and continued with the bath--Ed actually asked to get out--I guess 20 mintues is long enough. Now, we'll see what time Josie decides to wake and when Ed gets up for the day. It's been in the 5:30am range the last week and Den has let me sleep in the last 3 mornings, so I'm all caught up on sleep. Den on the other hand is a little worn, what with waking up early himself all week.

You may wonder why my pictures of Eddie and Josie together always have the same background. It's because early on, we made Eddie sit on the couch, so we could be right there and I guess he's been conditioned because when he asks to hold her, he says, 'on the couch'.

We escorted Den to the airport today--I don't remember the last time we did that. Eddie talked about it half way home, asking when he could go on a plane. Eddie is really saying some complex 7-8 word sentences on a regular basis. He uses words I didn't even know he knew. He is even learning to use pronouns, but has some trouble. Josie is smiling a lot more--but her tongue is always sticking out it seems. She is getting so much more interactive---responding to and holding toys.

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