Sunday, July 29, 2007

4 Month Update

We went to a local park Saturday morning that has both a carosel and a mini train (right across from each other). Eddie had a great time. He is increasingly interested in trains, but not to worry, balls are still his passion.

Josie of course went along for the ride. She also had her first airplane ride when we went to g'parents Wisc. She started sleeping in her crib the night we got home from Wisc. I guess she wanted one last spin in the bouncy chair (her bed for her first 4 months). We even bought one while in Wisc. because we knew she'd sleep well.

She has started going to bed earlier, around 8:30 or 9 and seems to fall asleep pretty quickly (which tells me we're catching her at the prime time for sleep, according to a book on sleep I read). Last night she slept all the way until 4:30am, which was a nice change from the last several weeks.

She seems to be eating a lot more too. She rolled over a couple weeks ago and pretty much every time you put her on the floor or somewhere to spread out, she likes to utilize this new skill. She likes to sleep on her side. She is pretty much out of 0-3 (sigh) clothes and solidly into 3-6, although several of those are still much too big.

We have her 4 month check up this Friday and after the last visit and her reaction to the vacines, I am seriously dreading this visit. Eddie never had such an issue. I've told Dennis that since it's on a Friday, I will be needing some help at home, as she will be a handful for even one person. I don't think he realizes how bad it was at 2 months. I'm going to talk to the Dr. about her reaction and hopefully he'll have some thoughts on the matter.

She smiles a lot more and giggles out loud, which when you get her going, can be pretty funny. She drools a ton. We regularly go through at least 2 bibs a day. She loves the bath, splashing the water out onto the kitchen floor. Cookie says she loves watching the kids play.

Couple more pictures below.

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