Tuesday, June 12, 2007

10 weeks old

G'parents Ohio are back in town. This time they are headed to England and wanted to fly out of our airport as an excuse to visit the g'kids and get a direct flight. They have essentially been here at least one day per week over the last 3 weeks. It's been really nice -- for everyone.
Today g'ma and I took the kids to the park. It's my new favorite park as it's nice and large and fenced in. G'ma was pushing Eddie on the swing when she started doing what we called 'underdogs', where you push the swing and kind of run under the swing, or at least close to run under the swing. G'pa said he called them 'run unders' when he was a kid.
Eddie thought this was the greatest thing and asked for them again and again. I think Eddie has made g'ma younger because I never would have thought she'd go for it so many times. Note the 3 balls Ed brought to the park.
I know for Josie's 10 week updates I should have more pictures of her, but Eddie sure was photogenic today. Below is what she did at the park and what she is doing right now.
Eddie climbs into the car (most of the time) by himself and then more easily climbs into his carseat. He then likes to buckle himself in. He is so much fun right now. Josie is smiling a lot more and getting to be more interactive.
Having g'parents here and lining up help for this work trip as well as two at the end of the month and beginning of July got me talking with g'ma Ohio about why so many women (and some men) around here stay home with the kids. Jump ahead in the conversation to how it used to be more common to live near family and how much easier it is to have g'parents and and other family around who can help (and who you want to have help) . Win win situation. Our friends and neighbors regularly comment how lucky we are that both sets of g'parents are willing and able to help out when they visit.
Nothing else exciting that I can think of for Josie's 10 weeks. Just amazing to me that she is 2.5 months old.

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