Sunday, May 27, 2007

week bef Memorial Day

Can't believe Josie is 7 weeks old. Agh!! She has started to smile a little more now, but as Den says, she makes you work for them.

She is also starting to show expression in her face. She seems to like baths--I usually wash her and Den is in charge of picking her slippery body up out of the tub to get the harder to reach places.

I need all these pictures to remind me of what happens--the time seems to go in a blur.
G'parents Ohio bought Eddie a new water toy--which he absolutely loves--I'll get pictures of that later. This is the box it came in. He wasn't interested at first, but Den got into the box and it started looking a bit more enticing. Here they are passing balls back and forth.
This is a sampling of Ed's collection of balls--just the big ones anyway. Today we gave him his first basketball--his eyes lit up in a way that made me know it was a gift he was excited to receive. We had wrapped it up in case he starting getting upset about gifts being brought for Josie and not him, but that hasn't been a problem and so now I have a bunch of little presents I'm trying to filter out over time. He had barely peeled back an inch worth of paper when he exclaimed, "a basketball!" Now I'm trying to teach him to dribble...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics--even the one I didn't take.