Thursday, May 03, 2007

New Experiences

G'parents Wisc. with Ed and Josie. Ed brought out all the oven mitts for g'ma to put on him. At least when they were done, they were in a neat stack instead of strewn about the kitchen floor like usual.

I've been writing about Josie being gasey (which apparently I can't spell). What I should be saying is that it causes her to scream in pain. I called the doctor, and they wanted to see us. I knew she had been gaining weight, but she was 8 pounds 15 ounces point-something (they measure to the nearest gram), so basically 9 pounds. Definitely not the pattern her big brother followed. While there discussed colic, acid reflux, gas, etc. I told him the baby mylex (gas-x) was working well. Dr. said studies show it is ineffective, in part because babies don't get gas like adults do so despite what I thought was empircal verification over a 24-hour period that it worked (I conducted a test). So, I was told to try eliminating dairy from my diet and that we'd know in a week if that was the culprit (many babies get a diary allergy that disapates by around 4 months). We were also given a script for Zantex, which would take 2 weeks to notice if it worked, and I was to try if dairy free wasn't sucessful.

Me eliminating diary is like asking an alcoholic to give up alcohol--I love dairy products, but as I got to thinking, I hadn't had much in the way of dairy in the last 48 hours and she had seemed to improve quite a bit---but I thought it was the baby gas-x. So like any good idiot-sleep deprived parent, I decide to have a glass of milk before bed (while Den is away) to test the theory. Low and behold, she had a rough night of screaming fits. She is doing better and I don't know if my system and hers work to process quite that quickly, but it was enough to convince me make the switch to soy milk. This in addition to Josie deciding that staying awake from 8pm to 12:40am was a good thing, even tho she was so tired she had red rings around her eyes. I was trying everything short of getting in the car to put her to sleep that g'pa Ohio had taught me and even some stuff I was inventing on the spot. G'pa Ohio can put even the most reluctant babies to sleep, sure wanted to channel him last night.

Den is in Orlando right now. I was sure glad Cookie was around to help out, although I think she is getting tired of Eddie--she's had him since 9am yesterday. She is staying to help put him to bed and then Den's flight is supposed to get in around 11pm. It didn't dawn on me until he almost had trouble getting out yesterday, that he could have trouble getting back and I'd be in a world of hurt---literately--Cookie doesn't come on Fridays. Won't need to worry, as Den will be home--or rather that's what he is saying as he reads this.

G'pa Wisc. is holding Josie is the most adorable jogger. Her shirt says, 'i 'heart' daddy'. The cuffs have rainbow trim, but are rolled up, as she is not yet a 0-3 baby.
With Eddie I used a pillow called a boppy ( ) to nurse. I thought it worked pretty well. I had heard about this other pillow called, my brest friend (not a typo). Users rave about the pillow, and not having much luck with the boppy this go around, I decided to give it a whirl--heck they even have pictures of men using it.
Well, I love it. After watching me use it so much, Eddie wanted to give it a whirl.

While they were here, g'pa Wisc. put Eddie to bed one night for us. He must have been up there 45 min. and we could hear Eddie asking for one more book after one more book. I gave him a hard time for having fallen vitctim to the stall tactics that I'd taught Eddie. The next night g'ma Wisc. put Eddie to bed. She was pretty slick. She read him Goodnight Moon and proceeded to say goodnight to things that weren't in the book and pretty soon she was saying goodnight to Eddie as she backed out the door. We wonder how long that trick will work for us.

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