Monday, May 07, 2007

Helping with Josie

If you plan to, you are supposed to introduce a bottle btwn 4 and 6 weeks. Ed wanted to feed baby Josephine, and here he is. He liked pulling it out right away, but was very proud of himself. Being a little out of practice, I was trying to remember how to do this myself.

Offically on the dairy-free diet. Soy milk doesn't taste as bad as I feared. Den is finding it a bit of a challenge to cook, but we're learning to think creatively.

Both kids have colds. Den and I pulled shift duty last night with Josie, who for Den would only sleep when he held her on his chest upright and for me I was able to get her to sleep a couple times in the bouncy chair. I think between the two of us, we got 7, maybe 8 hours of sleep. Ed had a cold at this age, so at least we're prepared in that regard.

Hate seeing either kid sick, but sure is rough seeing a newborn sick. She had so much gunk in her throat that she didn't know what to do with that she puked--all over me. But then at least I didn't have a heavy metal, magnet-laden Thomas train dropped on my foot, only to step on it a few minutes later like Den did. I'd prefer the puke.

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