Long ago, I promised a follow up to my email about Ed's 2 year pediatrician appointment. Eddie weighed in at 25.14 pounds buck naked--except for his socks. This is about 25%. I had wondered at what age Ed would move to the scale that you stand on versus the baby scale that you lay on. I wonder no more. Although he likes getting on a very similar scale at home, he had no interest in getting on the scale. I had no interest in hoisting him up to the scale, so I hopped on the scale myself and eventually got him to stand on it.
He would not stand against the wall to get his height with that cool gizmo that pulls down from the wall, even tho' mommy got her height noted. Eddie's 33 1/3 inches height was measured the old fashioned way--sprawling him out on the exam table and drawing a line at his foot and head and then measuring the two points. This was slightly above 25%.
His head circumfrence was 19.5, which is 70%. As I mentioned, Dr. was really impressed with his development. He asked me a lot of questions, but then also tried asking Eddie questions, some of which he responded to. These included pointing to animals on a page and having Eddie identify them. Then the Dr. asked Ed which animals made which sounds and finally which animals did what type of action (fly, gallop, etc.). I was kind of surprised he knew all the right answers to this last set of questions. The doctor was impressed and said this means he knows actions.
I told the doctor he knew his colors to wit the Dr. said if he knew his colors, he must know his body parts. Dr. said at this ago the should know I think it was 250 or so words. Sure seems like it does. Interestingly, he is supposed to be able to say 15-20 words that a perfect stranger would recognize. I had a hard time answering the question. I think he definitely has that, but I'm so used to knowing what he's saying when others can't, that to try and count out 15-20 words that he says perfectly clearly -- it's hard to think of what words he knows that clearly versus those I get out of context. I'm pretty confident we're there.
Said we don't need to worry about his thumb sucking until he's 3 and then recomended a book for when we get to that point. He speech is supposed to be about 50% clear at this point and 75% clear by age 3. I've noticed that certain letters are mispronounced--like the letter 'c' is 'p'. So when he says 'cow', it's 'pow'. I can't think of how he says the word 'pillow', but it bears no resemblence to the word. He doesn't use an 'm' for milk, but does for 'mommy'.
I didn't tell the doctor about the letters or numbers (in English and Spanish) that he knows. In some ways he does better with the number order in Spanish than when he jumps to 8 or 10 with the English. Had to chuckle when the doctor asked about him throwing balls and stacking stuff. Such old news for Ed. Does he jump? Just started a couple weeks ago. Basically I answered in the affirmative for every developmental question.
Weird thing is Ed doesn't get another check up until he is 3 years old. Kind of weird to think about. However, we're about to start all over, lest we start missing our pediatrican.
The picture is of one of Ed's games, only this time it was an extreme case of stuffing all his animals in his PJs. I don't think there is a relationship to my growing tummy and this game, as it's been ongoing for quite some time.
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