Monday, March 05, 2007

Goings On

Here are a couple misc. photos. Ed loves to color. Moreover, he loves for us to color for him. He also likes to color and have things cut out in every color of the rainbow. He brought home artwork from preschool with a sun cut out. So Cookie and I cut out suns for him in every color in his book of construction paper (really my book from when I was a kid, as I saved the paper all these years knowing there would be a use). Then he wanted balloons cut out (with the string of course). When the strings got broken off, mommy had to fix them with tape.

He also likes to have animals drawn for him. There was a time when I could draw a good bird and horse, but that was the extent of my artistic ability. Now I draw the most pitiful forms to resemble these animals, although now I'm learning by watching Den, Cookie, and our regular night out babysitter that I can get away with just drawing the heads. This is somewhat easier, but still I am making the effort to get him to let me draw shapes--much easier.

In the last picture I posted of myself I was told my stomach looked lumpy--and I realize why. I was wearing one of the only maternity pants with hook and eye closure and a zipper. Being maternity pants, the closure is a not some little piece of metal, but it is a double hook and eye, each of which is extra huge. So here's what I hope is a non-lumpy photo (I like the sweater better) of me at 35 weeks out of 40.

I'm pretty convinced this baby is going to come earlier than we expect, but I really do hope it holds out as long as possible. I'm also beginning to wonder if it's a girl. Neither of us care what the gender is, but it will be interesting to see if either of these two 'feelings' comes true. That said, we are still desparate for a boys name. I actually went through EVERY SINGLE NAME in one of the cooler books--Baby Name Wizard--and between the two of us, we shot down every option.

Maybe we'll be like Geo. Forman and name it Edward if it's a boy. I think it was round about Feb. 10 or so that I posted about needing ideas for a boy's name, but keep them coming--either on that day or this. I'm not saying we didn't like any of the posted names, in fact there were some we'd been tossing about, but I have this fear the baby will come early and the rep from social security will stop by asking for the form that if we don't fill out in the hospital is a bigger deal to get completed down the road.


Anonymous said...

Well, I don't know what to suggest for a name, but here's a cute visualizer which shows the varying popularity of names over time:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's the book we've got that we went through all the names...maybe the website has more. Clearly we're being overly picky and will have to select one that we've already considered...I think we're just waiting and hoping to be 'hit' with the perfect name.

Anonymous said...

I am going to stick to my first and original suggestion of William.
William and Edward, Wil and Ed they just sound right together.

Anonymous said...

Okay, if you guys haven't checked out the above website, just plug in your own's really cool. Den and I spent about an hour plugging in names. Neat stuff.