Saturday, February 17, 2007

Welcome Home Daddy!

Den gets home around 9 tonight. Yahoo! I don't know if it was the excitement over Den coming home--knowing that at 2am my time he was waking up, or at 6:20am my time, he would be leaving, or what, but beyond my normal multiple wakings, I was up from 4-5:30 and then Ed woke at 6:30.

I was eyes-burning tired, but just couldn't sleep. I think I was also worried about Ed who is coming down with/fighting a cold. We keep his door closed, or mostly so when he sleeps and we have it very carefully calibrated for the amount of heat with the amount of vapor the humidifer puts out so that his room is 'just right'. I upset that balance this week by having him sleep with the door open so I could hear him (I'm usually so tired, I don't even hear him when Den is home) and also because 2 nights in a row with the ice storm, I was worried about the power going out and wanted to make sure his room was plenty warm.

So last night, with the door open, and hearing him cough every so often, I went up to check, glad that I did because at different times it was too hot and dry, then too cold, then...well you get the picture. Every time I went up to check, I made an adjustment, hoping to find the right balance to ensure (ironically) he is able to sleep through the night.

When he woke this morning I told him I was really tired and needed to sleep some more. So he climbed into bed with me and watched cartoons for an hour before deciding it was time to play.

These pictures were taken this morning. I think the one in which he is throwing 2 balls at once is particularly cool. He didn't want to go down for his nap this afternoon--I hope I get a long one. Only another couple more hours of stress about Den getting home safely!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That my boy juggling? Almost home! Den