Monday, February 26, 2007

One Last Trip

Den left this morning on his last trip before #2 arrives. He's out on the west coast, and in fact, trying to get to his final destination as we speak. G'parents Ohio came out for Ed's birthday and would you believe I don't have a single picture of them with him? Sure hope they do. They left this morning before I had my eyes open enough to look through a view-finder.

This picture of me is from Sat.--offically 34 weeks pregnant--although I keep saying 34 months. When you've been pregnant this long it kind of seems like you'll always be pregnant. But then when you realize the baby has to get out at some point, you know that your life will not be your own for the next several months after baby comes.

Over the weekend, Ed's buddy Lizzie brought him a birthday gift. To say he loves it would be an understatment. She brought it yesterday and he played with it ALL day today. It's called an Aquadoodle and I have to say it's really cool. I'd put it on Ed's xmas list but he didn't get it. It's this large mat and a pen you fill with water. Through some kind of reaction of the water filled pen-tip and the mat, you can draw pictures that fade away over time. Kind of like a giant etch a sketch, only easier to draw.

These last 2 are from today. I captured Ed singing away on the inside picture. He just loves to sing. I don't remember what he was singing at the time, but he was cracking Cookie and I up. It involved the pig he is holding.
Tonight we shared a rendition of Old MacDonald.

Eventually Eddie wanted to go outside. We got about 3 inches of wet snow yesterday and then rain, but there was still plenty left. Cookie made him a snowman, which he walked right up to and decapitated, prouncing the 'head' a ball--which of course it did look like. He was wearing his spiderman rainboots because it didn't click in my head that he'd be playing in the snow and I suggested to Cookie to put his rainboots on instead of his snowboots. Duh.

Den is only gone 3 nights (kind of technically 2, but I have 3 bedtimes to contend with, so I count 3). It seems so quick, especially after 8 nights. Ed has gotten quite accustomed to talking on the phone with Den, taking pictures for him, and then looking at pictures of him on the computer. He's going to be in for a shock after Den is home nearly 2-3 months and then takes his first trip. Heck so will I. Hurry home!


Anonymous said...

You built the snowman on the remnants of the ancient snow fort built last week I see. Thanks for the pics. From a very rainy SF Bay area. Den

Anonymous said...

Your PG pic reminds me of a news item on TV last eve. In a newer area near the Cities, there is a 2 block are where 28% of the women are PG. That's 18. One has left that category-by giving birth. It showed a side liew of the chorus line. One gal was hoping for 11 years and now is carrying twins after moving to the area.