Monday, January 29, 2007


Den is in Fort Wayne, IN. It's a quick trip, as he'll be back Wed. afternoon, so these are for him...

Den told me to turn off the computer at 8:30. Why are the computer and I still connected at 10:30?

Signs Ed may be teething...chewing on anything and everything in sight. Nanny thinks he is getting his incisors. We can tell he is uncomfortable. When I came in the living room, he was just sitting there, with this ball in his mouth, gnawing away.
He is even sticking the plastic Easter egg in his mouth -- for once I can't wait till the Easter stuff comes out in stores (I suspect shortly after Valentine's Day), as I want to buy Ed a bunch of giant plastic Easter eggs. Talk about a cheap thrill. I suspect he will think he's died and gone to heaven. He has a couple eggs now, but our supply is gradually being eliminated through various household accidents.

He takes his nebulizer for asthma every night (kind of looks like an oxygen or pilots mask). Lately, he wants mama and then dada to try the meds too. When Den wasn't home tonight, he put the mask up to my face and said "mama" and then he put into the space to the side of us and said "dada". But what really cracked me up was when he took one of his ducks and then sheep and decided they too needed a couple puffs of the meds.

Ed is starting to recognize letters and numbers. Den and I are completely blown away by this. The g'parents are not, I don't think. I grew up hearing my parents say that us kids could read by the time we were 3, and now I see how (besides that my dad's job at the time was teaching teachers how to teach kids to read...follow that?). Eddie recognizes the letter 'E' in multiple contexts and 'D' for daddy. He is starting to get 'R', 'G' for g'parents, and 'M' for mommy in multiple contexts. He definitely knows the number 1 and sporadically knows other numbers. Unreal. Professor g'pa says it will likely take at least a year before he will be able to read in the true sense of the word.

As gifted as we think he is, I'm sure the doctor will have a reality check for us at the 2 year apt. about something he should be able to do by now, but doesn't. For now, it's just fun to watch him soak everything up.

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