Sunday, December 10, 2006

Kicked to the Curb

Den's office Holiday Party was this weekend, so g'parents Ohio came to visit and watch Eddie. They even agreed to watch him overnight, so we could stay at the hotel near the party instead of driving back 50 minutes to our house. Eddie was so into playing with g'pa that he didn't want to pose for this shot before we left for the night.The pictures below are where the blog title comes in. Eddie and g'pa were playing and I went to sit in the Living Room with them. Eddie walked over to me, asked me to get up, took me by the hand and pushed me out of the living room--twice. Den decided to see what would be his fate and experienced the exact same sequence of events to exile. It was clear Eddie wanted to play only with g'pa, much to g'ma and g'pa's amusement. I'm surprised I was allowed in here to take the pictures!

The first one Ed had just thrown an egg and the second picture is I believe self-explanatory.

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