Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Bithdays and Christmas Pagents

Eddie's buddy Eli turned 2 this week. To commemorate the ocassion, his parents threw a party in the hippest 2-year-old play spot they could find--the local soft play room.

I will likely have another post on this, but this particular soft play room is a racquetball court turned padded playspace. You have the pre-birthday festivities in an ante-room and then move on to the action.

Ed is still playing with the yellow ball pictured here--he pulled all the balloons off the walls and began throwing them around while we were in the ante room, and pretty quickly got the other kids in on the game.

A soft play room is considered a pretty safe place for kids to play--until the adults start getting involved. One of the guests, who shall remain nameless had the idea to stack the 2 sets of steps and slides to make one giant slide (pictured here). It was a lot of fun--and the worst that happened was the daughter of Mr. Idea fell funny when she tried to jump from half-way up--but she shook it off and continuted partying.

Ed is sliding head-first in this picture, with dad ready to catch him. He went every direction, including tumbling head over heel, with only one vinyl burn to show for it.

Change of topics:
Ed's nursery school had it's Christmas program this week. Den and I wondered how they were going to involve the one-year class (Ed's)--and you can see here--they have given them batons to shake to the music. It was really cute--and entertaining to watch the teachers try and corral the kids--surprisingly they sat pretty still--aside from Eddie throwing his baton (no surprise there).

We sat about 20 rows back, Den taking the still shots and I took video.

Nanny's last day is today, I've got some temporary options for Jan. and we have a couple interviews scheduled, but other than that, we're holding our breath.

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