Sunday, November 12, 2006

A week's worth of pictures in one day

We had the most amazing weather Friday and Saturday. I decreed that I didn't care what chores we had to/wanted to do on the weekend, we were going to spend the whole day Saturday outside--and we just about did. This was also because Sunday was forecast to be about 20 degrees colder and rainy--and it was--with lots of good fall winds. Great day for inside chores like cleaning the basement.

Den and Ed spent some quality time on the slides at this nearby park we walked to. Ed had a ball.

Ed is hot and cold when it comes to swinging, but he sure was happy to be pushed by daddy.
Ed has taken to be a little organizer/cleaner (often after he takes things out). Here he is taking all the sippy cups out of 'his' drawer and stacking them neatly on this stool. He will eventually put them back and sometimes do the same for the plates, bowls, and washclothes.
Daddy was nice enough to let Ed help rake the leaves when he worked on them last weekend. This picture really is a fluke, as Ed spent most of the time throwing the rake down the hillside. G'parents Ohio came out for a visit last weekend. It was mostly at my behest, to help watch Ed while Den was in an all day meeting on Sat. Plus it was time for their monthly trek out. They next appear for Den's xmas party in December--we can't wait.
Jump back to this Sat., here's one of the few slide trips Ed would make alone--and he survived.
Those darn sun spots--and I have a gizmo for the camera that I should have put on to prevent these from occuring. Otherwise everyone is looking at the camera and smiling.

As for the update from last week's excitement, we went to the peds office on Friday to find Ed has an ear infection. The preschool teacher told me on Friday he had been playing with his ear. Now it's Sunday night and Ed finished his last dose of prednizone on Sat. night. I was really glad too because it was stressing me out to make sure I only gave him 4ml of that and then 6ml of the amoxicillan for his ear.

We've taken to giving these meds in the bath and just like a little bird, Ed obediantly opens his mouth--esp. for the tasty amoxicillan. Now we are down to the amox. and a new, maintenance drug for the asthma called pulmicort--got his first dose tonight in front of his favorite (and ours) TV show. Boy, we got TIVO not a day too soon. We have 'Go Baby' at the top of the TIVO list, wtih instructions to NEVER delete and save 25 episodes. Course I'm not sure there are more than 25 episodes all together. Ed will patiently sit in front of this 6 minute show and take his meds--which is oh so much nicer than the battles up in his room.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the pictures - I really like the ones of Eddie lining up his bottles on the step ladder and the one raking the leaves.
Grandma Ohio