Wednesday, November 01, 2006


My parents have said I can wear people down with a method similar to Chinese water torture--a drop of water at a time. I don't know how long I've been saying how nice it would be to have Tivo--espeically with how much Den travels (he's not the only one who earns milage on his trips)--but Den agreed!

Unbeknownst to me, he was actually going to get it for Christmas for me, until over the weekend, I started researching it -- I hadn't up to that point even looked into costs and options.

Den starts spouting off all this information about it, and then admitted to his now foiled plans. I think he's actually excited about it. Not that we watch that much TV--we have a total of maybe 4 shows that we really like and then an additional handful that we watch when we are able. How nice to have our favorite shows recorded and not recorded over because we had the VCR tape in the wrong position or not recorded because of a goof in timing. We're expecting our unit in the next week. Woo hoo!

Den is away for an overnight trip--he is literately close enough that Ed and I could have driven up tonight and then back tomorrow--with really early meetings for Den it makes sense for him to stay the night--but who wants to deal with Ed in a hotel room when we don't have to.

Ed has started doing this weird thing, mostly when I'm reading him books, but then he did it with a blanket that had a football on it as well. He keeps trying to grab at whatever is in the picture, I think only when it's a picture of an object or a real object from his life--as opposed to a book like 'Go Dog, Go', where he won't grasp at anything because it's not realistic enough. When we are reading, it's almost as if he expects to be able to pull whatever he is looking at out of the book and gets frustrated when he can't grasp it in his hand. I would have expected this at a younger age, but now?

Ed is also trying to bathe himself--he wanted soap and when I gave him some, he soaped up his tummy. Same thing with his lotion--he kept saying 'lotion' over and over. Which brings me to another thing, his nanny had him cracking up for a good 10 minutes just by repeating one word over and over. Den said he did the same thing recently. Toddler humor, I have a lot to learn.

The above picture is when Ed was about 5 months old. I have a whole series of pictures I took with this washcloth on his head and they are all hilarous.


Anonymous said...

Seems to me your brother has been talking about the virtues of TIVO ever since we spent Christmas in California.
Sounds like Eddie is indeed learning about what is real and what is not real. If only we had better ways of assessing what young children are thinking, it might make communication with them a whole lot easier.
Grandma Ohio

meg said...

Welcome to the cult! Now, repeat after me: TIVO IS OUR GOD. TIVO IS OUR GOD. (Sung to the tune of "Weasley Is Our King")

But: I thought y'all bought an ersatz TiVo that hooked up to the computer in the kitchen?

elizabethanddennis said...

We do have a gizmo that lets us watch TV on the kitchen computer, but it's not reliable for recording, but we do use it quite a bit (given how much time we spend in the kitchen) to watch sports, etc.

Anonymous said...

TIVO rules! Now that Christa and I have had it for so long I can't imagine watching TV any other way. It is very useful for keeping episodes of the Wiggles around to pacify Sam and Aidan when they get cranky.