Wednesday, November 29, 2006

G'parents Wisc.

G'parents Wisc. were out for a week over T-giving. Eddie was impressing and dazzling them with all sorts of feats, from stacking the tower of blocks behind Ed in the below picture in rapid sucession to knowing all the different kinds of balls--soccer balls, baseball, basketball, and football. In this picture Ed is pointing out shapes to g'ma.
I am utterly surprised. Ed loves to wear his hat, gloves and scarf. Actually I think it's the ensemble he loves, as he doesn't seem satisfied until he has all three. He'll typically keep them on for a while. Tonight Ed put all his toys away without prompting. He just came downstairs for his medicene and put them away. I'm going to remember this night, as I doubt we'll see that again---ever (well, unless he really does turn out to be like his dad--he does like to shut any open drawers and put his dishes and cups away). You think Ed knows he's got those 2 people wrapped around his finger?
Cute things Ed is saying: 'woo hoo'; 'ish' for Fish, 'hey baby', although he doesn't seem to like Gwen Stefani's version, 'up, up, up' to go up the stairs. He is pointing to my growing belly and saying 'baby', but I'm not sure that he gets any piece of there being a baby in there. I've bought a bunch of books to start reading to him on big brothers and babies, so we'll see what progress we make in the coming months. But then again, I read till I was blue in the face and still didn't fully comprehend what was coming until Eddie arrived.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no, my kid's into accessorization (hat, scarf, mitten ensemble). Dad