Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Let me just say I had the kind of night with Eddie where I really need/want a beer. A cup of hot tea will have to do.

He had a long nap, sleeping after I picked him up from nursery school. When he woke up, I decided to take him for a walk around the block. Figured the normally 7-10 min. walk would take 30-45 min. A full 1.5 hours later, we returned--full of misquito bites and quite unhappy that we had to go inside. Ed intimately studied the plantings of several of our neighbors, tried to eat a flower, and pitched a fit when I wouldn't let him throw his superball into the street.

Had a great dinner, and then something happened--maybe it's West Nile from all the misquito bites, but he threw a hard toy down the stairs, hitting me with it as I came up the stairs--that put me in a good mood. He actually wanted to get out of the bathtub--normally loves the bath and proceeded to pee on me (or nearby)--not once, not twice, but three times. All the while, I didn't want to put him back in the tub because it seemed like he had more than peeing in mind. Then he wouldn't sit down in the tub.

I was so pist (I'm leaving some parts out of the story), that I told him he'd have 2 stories and then bed. So after 2 stories, a full 15-20 min. ahead of normal bedtime, he pointed to the bed. So I laid him down and happily went down stairs for my tea I will think of as beer. Maybe it did start when he fussed over me putting his shoes on for school today. I think we both woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

One more solo night time and Den gets home.


soliluna said...

cheers! what kind of tea?

elizabethanddennis said...

Just plain old fashioned decaf black tea. They say not to do herbal when you are pg and I'm not generally a fan anyway.